Amazon Prime (Game) - Metal Slug 3

  • Offer valid from: 2022-12-27 - 17:02
  • Offer valid to: 2023-11-30 - 00:00

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About the game (Metal Slug 3*):

  • Ratings: Steam 90 % (9/10, 5480 recommendations)
  • Release date: 2003-06-19
  • Recommended price (Steam): 6.99 EUR
  • Description: Metal Slug 3 is a run and gun video game for the Neo-Geo console/arcade platform created by SNK. It was released on the PlayStation 2 in Japan and Europe and on the Xbox in North America. Both of these ports feature two extra mini-scenarios once you complete it. “Storming the UFO Mothership” sets the stage in the final level puts you in control of one of three enemy soldiers – a “Normal” guy, a “Bazooka” guy, and a “Shield” guy. As you plow forward, a whole army of Morden’s soldiers will tag along and start killing enemies along with you. You can also call Sgt. Allen O’Neill to help clear the screen. “Fat Island” is a two player game where each compete to eat as much food as possible.
  • Genres: Action

* Any information about the offer is automatically grabbed and may in rare cases not match the correct game.

Source: Amazon Prime, Seen first: 2022-12-27 17:02:32, Generated by null
