Amazon Prime (Game) - Beat Cop

  • Offer valid from: 2023-01-03 - 17:17
  • Offer valid to: 2023-02-01 - 00:00

Claim it now for free on Amazon Prime.

About the game (Beat Cop*):

  • Ratings: Metacritic 71 % / Steam 82 % (9/10, 3298 recommendations) / IGDB Meta 70 % (9 sources) / IGDB User 68 % (22 sources)
  • Release date: 2017-03-30
  • Recommended price (Steam): 14.99 EUR
  • Description: A retro, pixel art style adventure in New York, inspired by 80’s cop shows. You are Jack Kelly and you’ve been framed into murder. Now as a regular beat cop you have to find out, who did that. Expect thick crime story, a lot of black humour and all the other things you can find on the streets of Brooklyn.
  • Genres: Adventure, Indie, Simulation

* Any information about the offer is automatically grabbed and may in rare cases not match the correct game.

Source: Amazon Prime, Seen first: 2023-01-03 17:17:17, Generated by null
