Epic Games (Game) - Wolfenstein: The New Order

  • Offer valid from: 2022-12-20 - 16:05
  • Offer valid to: 2022-12-21 - 16:00

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About the game (Wolfenstein: The New Order*):

  • Ratings: Metacritic 81 % / Steam 90 % (9/10, 33218 recommendations) / IGDB Meta 77 % (19 sources) / IGDB User 82 % (864 sources)
  • Release date: 2014-05-20
  • Recommended price (Steam): 19.99 EUR
  • Description: Wolfenstein: The New Order is an action-adventure shooter game played from a first-person perspective. It is the semi-sequel to 2009's Wolfenstein, however utilizes very little from the game and drops any direct references to veil or supernatural. To progress through the story, the player battle enemies throughout levels. The game utilizes a health system in which players' health is divided into separate sections that regenerate; if an entire section is lost, the player must use a health pack to replenish the missing health. In combat, a cover system can be used as assistance against enemies. The player have the ability to lean around, over, and under cover, which can be used as a tactical advantage during shootouts and stealth levels. The game gives the player a wide variety of weapon options—they can be found on the ground, retrieved from dead enemies, or removed from their stationary position and carried around.
  • Genres: Action

* Any information about the offer is automatically grabbed and may in rare cases not match the correct game.

Source: Epic Games, Seen first: 2022-12-20 16:05:28, Generated by null
