- Offer valid from: 2022-12-27 - 17:02
- Offer valid to: 2023-02-01 - 00:00
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About the game (Dishonored 2*):
- Ratings: Metacritic 86 % / Steam 88 % (9/10, 31592 recommendations) / IGDB Meta 85 % (24 sources) / IGDB User 85 % (475 sources)
- Release date: 2016-11-11
- Recommended price (Steam): 29.99 EUR
- Description: Dishonored 2 is a first-person action video game and the sequel to Dishonored. It borrows many of the gameplay elements from the first opus: players define their own play style by blending action, assassination, stealth, mobility and combat. Combining tools at their disposal, players are allowed options to eliminate enemies, whether they choose to pursue them unseen or ruthlessly attack head on. Dishonored 2 features the same campaign style as its predecessor in which the protagonist must advance through a series of missions.
- Genres: Action
* Any information about the offer is automatically grabbed and may in rare cases not match the correct game.
Source: Amazon Prime, Seen first: 2022-12-27 17:02:28, Generated by null
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